Tuesday, May 6, 2008

um, I didn't think it was THAT big...

For Brother's birthday party (coming soon!) I decided to buy one of those jump houses designed to be used at home. They are always pictured in yards, but I say why not the living room? Only thing is- it's a tad bigger than I thought. Just a smidgen. I mean, it only takes up the ENTIRE den (which is a rather large room.) So, there's enough space, right?
(Picture DH rolling his eyes and shaking his head at me.)
Oh, well. I may not will an award for mathematical/spatial thinking but my kids think I'm a pretty cool mom right now. ;-)


Beck said...

That thing is HUGE!

Anonymous said...

who cares about math when you could be COOL, instead???

And way cool, too. :)

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Oh yes. We have one of those, too. (Winter necessity, in my opinion.) It's GIGANTIC. Luckily, when we bought it, we had an entire greatroom in the basement without a lick of furniture. So it worked.

But now? We're in a 1900-square-foot townhouse. The bouncy is in the bag in the garage.

Kate said...

You Rock!

P.S. I'm loving all of your picture posts :)

Jessica said...

Seriously, I would have thought you were the greatest mom ever.