Saturday, February 2, 2008

winning is fun!

And the winner is...Deanne! Hooray! Deanne, I will be emailing you your gift certificate in the next 24 hours. Congratulations!

As you see, we did use the potty. Sister was pretty puzzled by the whole thing but she played along nicely. And I received quite a lecture from the DH about statistics and probability and my method. I told him to be quiet- he was making my head hurt. Math is such a nasty thing. If I want to give away my prize in a statistically biased manner, I will. (But next time I'll use a random number generator like everyone else!)

And guess what... I WON SOMETHING! And yes, it was the CUPCAKE TOTE! I am beside myself. I never win cool stuff like this. So, thanks Jessica!

1 comment:

Deanne said...

Ha! That's too funny.....pulling the names out of the potty! Your method of selecting a winner is quite unconventional, but I suppose I can't complain, for it worked in my favor! :) Thanks again!